- West Trax EN
- Contact
- Imprint
Data according to § 5 TMG (Telemedia Act)
West Trax GmbH & Co. KG
Amselweg 13
65623 Hahnstätten, Germany
Represented by: Emil Bohr, CEO
General Partner:
West Trax GmbH, Amselweg 13, 65623 Hahnstätten
Amtsgericht Montabaur, Registry page: HRB 26304
Phone: +49 (0) 6430 - 92 0 98
Fax: +49 (0) 6430 - 92 0 97
Email / Web: mail@westtrax.de / www.westtrax.de
Register entry:
Commercial register entry
Registry Court: District Court Montabaur
Commercial Court: Registry page is still pending
Sales tax identification number:
purchase tax identification number according to §27a Value Added Tax Act: DE253465843
Legal disclaimer
The content of our websites were compiled with due care, but we cannot be held liable for correctness, completeness and timely update of contents. According to § 7 Abs.1 TMG, we, as a service provider, are responsible for our own content on these pages obeying general legislation. Though, following §§ 8 - 10 TMG, as a service provider we are neither obligated to monitor any submitted or stored information from third parties, nor to research circumstances that are signs of unlawful activities. Requirements to remove or lock information from usage according to general legislation hereby remain untouched. In this case, liability is only possible from the moment of gaining knowledge of any concrete infringement. At the point of being aware of such infringement of legislation, we will immediately remove the corresponding contents.
Our offer contains links to external third-party websites on which content we do not have any influence. Therefore, we cannot be held liable for their contents. For the contents of linked webpages, the respective providers of the sites are responsible. At the point of linkage, the websites were checked on possible infringements of legislation. There was no unlawful content visible at the time of installation. However, a continuous content supervision of linked websites without any concrete evidence for infringement is not reasonable. At the point of gaining knowledge of any legislative infringements, we will remove the corresponding content immediately.
The content and works on these sites compiled by the site operator are protected by German copyright. The reproduction, modification, distribution and any form of exploitation outside the borders of the copyright require written consent of the respective authors or preparers. Downloads and copies of this page are only permitted for private but not commercial use. In the event that some of the content was not created by the operators, the copyright of third-parties applies. Such contents are specifically marked. Should you become aware of any copyright infringement, we kindly ask you to contact us. At the point of gaining knowledge of legislative infringements, we will immediately remove the corresponding contents.
The utilisation of our website in general is possible without declaration of personal data. Should personal data be collected on our sites (such as name, address or email addresses), it will be done, whenever possible, on a free-will basis. The date will not be shared with third parties without your expressive consent.
We point out the possibility at online data transfer (for example in email-communications), of safety vulnerabilities. An all-over protection of data against access from third parties is not possible.
We explicitly contradict the usage of published contact information within the frame of the site notice obligation for the purpose of sending unwanted advertisement and information materials. The operators of the sites reserve themselves the right to start legal proceedings in the event of receiving unwanted sending of advertisings, e.g.in form of spam mails.
Origin: registration information generator, advocat specialised in cyberlaw Sören Siebert
Source: Disclaimer eRecht24